T25- Week Two

Hey! This post is a little late seeing as I am already almost done with week 3 of T25, but I’m getting to it! I really should be doing homework but….let’s be honest. This sounds more fun.

Okay, so week 2 of T25 was great! Here’s my recap:

Monday– Cardio: felt good today, I was a little tired from working all weekend. My legs were feeling especially tired and heavy.

Tuesday-Total Body Circuit: It felt pretty good! I think I was a little dehydrated though, I was fighting a headache all day and it got worse when I was working out. The 180 degree floor squat to burpee is an awesome move! It works everything.

Wednesday– Speed 1.0: I was a sweaty mess after this! It always feels pretty easy with the moves and then the stretching but then you get to the burnout round and it gets intense! Kicked my booty.

Thursday– Cardio: my only thought, again? I feel like I just did this! I do love this DVD, the cardio is one of my favorite workouts. I was tired but I pushed myself harder and could really feel it.

Friday– Lower Focus & Ab Interval: Better than last time! I could hold the lunge pulse and hold longer and felt stronger than last time. Yes! Abs are ouch. Those dang V ups are hard. Two workouts in one day is hard too! You think “oh, its only like 50 mins of workout, it will be fine” But each workout is so intense that it’s pretty hard to finish the 2nd workout strong.


Still loving my Shakeology every morning. I totally look forward to it. I’ve also been supplementing my workouts with Advocare’s pre workout drink Spark and I feel like it’s really been helping me push past my previous limits. Yes! Getting stronger, leaner, more fit. Excited.


“Sore. The most satisfying pain hurts so good”


Love, Tay

Things I love

Hey Y’all!

Waiting a whole week for a new blog post is hard, as you can see… I’m not doing very well of posting just once a week. 😉

I want to post a couple things about working out that I absolutely love.

1. New training shoes! I’ve had my fair share of shoes and they wear out after a while, or I don’t like how they feel, or they hurt my feet. (I have weird feet from ski racing for 10 years). I wouldn’t say I’m a shoe hoarder….more like, collector!

Image These are my newest babies. Nike Free Fr Fit 4. Loving the neon colors!

2. Back muscles! I’ve been pretty skinny my whole life and in shape, but definitely never “fit” per say. So me actually having back muscles is SUPER exciting! It means I’m getting stronger and this is exactly what I want.


This isn’t the best picture (thanks phone pics) but you can see some definition! Whoohoo!

3. Determination. The cool thing about fitness and working out is that it’s all personal. Someone can be there yelling at you and pushing you to work as hard as you can, but ultimately YOU are the only one who can do this. It’s your decision, your will, your own personal sweat and determination. It might be helpful to have someone guiding you and pushing you along the way, but it’s your own journey!


Thanks (: Happy Thursday. 

Tid Bits about Me

I’ve gotten some new followers so I thought I would tell you all a little bit more about me! Nice to meet ya’ll and thanks for following my fitness blog. 

Age: 22
Height: 5’4”
Location: Bellingham, WA
Family: Mom, Dad, older sister and her fiancé, my dog Echo, and my parents dogs Joli and Gus. 
Significant other: Connor, my boyfriend of 4 years. 🙂
Future career: Law Enforcement, Detective. 
Favorite hobby: Skiing! and working out. 
Favorite color: Blue, black, pink, grey…I can’t decide!
Favorite meal: thai food! Particularly a red coconut curry. 
Favorite junk food: tortilla chips. 
Favorite place: curled up in my home with my man and my pup. 🙂 and Missoula, MT my home away from home. 
Echo says Happy Earth Day! 

Liebster Award



Thank you sugarysixpack for the nomination! 🙂

1. What Inspired your to blog?

My friends! I have a lot of friends who are currently in the middle of their fitness journey as well and I thought documenting mine would encourage them to do the same and then we can all be connected through that as well. 🙂

2. What is your favorite thing to do for fun?

Work out! Hiking, walking my dog, exploring, reading, cooking. 

3. Are you a beach or mountain person? or both?

Mountain! I love love love the snow. Winter is my absolute favorite. Though I do like to be on the beach in a swim suit every once in a while. 

4. What is your favorite healthy snack?

Apples with almond butter! Or mini bell peppers with hummus. Mmmm.

5. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?

Thailand, or India. The culture in those two places fascinates me. 

6. What is your dream career?

Being a Detective and solving all the crimes!

7. Whats your best fitness, beauty or healthy eating secret?

Plenty of water, rest, and you can never out-work out your diet. 

8. Do you have any pets?

I do, I have a dog named Echo and she’s my favorite. 

9. Where is the number one place you would like to live?

Right where I am in the PNW! But, Portland has always interested me a lot. 

10. What’s the best book you’ve ever read?

I could never decide this! I read about two books a week. I have soo many favorites. 

11. What is your favorite way to stay in shape?

Crossfit, absolutely. If only it wasn’t so expensive…


This award is meant for new bloggers or any bloggers under 200 followers to help build community and spread great blogs around!
~~The rules ~~

1. Thank the blogger who has nominated you

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you

3. Nominate 11 other blogs with less than 500 followers

4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer

5. Tag your nominees and post a comment in their blog to let them know you have nominated them


Here are my nominations for the Liebster Award:

Silent Thoughts

Kevin Vosseler

bunny sprouts



Mommy Gets Fit And Healthy 

Becoming a Butterfly


Beachbody Coach Jenn Graham

Aimee Knows

Fortitude OCR


And here are my questions for my nominees:

1. What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

2. Where is you favorite place to relax?

3. Do you like to work out alone or with people?

4. What is your favorite food?

5. Where is your favorite place that you’ve traveled?

6. Where would you like to travel?

7. Favorite thing to do in the sun?

8. How do you get your best fitness results?

9. What is your favorite exercise?

10. Do you have a fitness idol? Who is it?

11. Have you ever experimented with different eating plans?

T25- Week One

I just finished my first week of T25! Whoohoo!


I absolutely LOVE that these workouts are only 25 minutes long, but makes you feel like you’ve been working out for hours. I don’t sweat much unless I’m working out to the max, and T25 makes me sweat like crazy! I always know it’s a good workout because I start sweating a lot, and my tummy starts to feel cold to the touch (weird…I know, but next time give it a try and see if it happens to you too!). These are intense! I sweat a lot, my legs burn burn burn, my abs yell at me, and it feels awesome!

Here’s the wrap up of week 1 for me:

Monday– Cardio: felt good! Excited for this workout routine. Love the high knee stuff, can feel it working lower abs.

Tuesday– Speed 1.0: Whooo! What a workout. Fast fast fast equals sweaty mess. Feel the burn.

Wednesday– Total Body Circuit: Yikes! This was a tough workout. I was feeling super tired and had a killer headache, but I pushed through and finished. Felt better afterwards.

Thursday– Ab Intervals: Whoa, V ups are hard! My abs sure are mad at me! GOOD! Now give me a 6 pack!

Friday– Lower Focus: I was moaning and whining with all the burn my legs were feeling. But I felt amazing after (even though I was probably walking like a penguin….waddle waddle)

*Saturday– Cardio: love this one! Pushing myself a little harder to get those results.

(Sunday- Sunday is tomorrow (and Easter!) but it’s just the Stretch DVD…pretty self explanatory. Stretching is important for building muscle though! Gotta get those stretches in.)


*Saturdays are supposed to be just stat days (weight, measurements) but they say if you can’t do the Friday two a days, then to do the second workout on Saturday. This is what I did because I was wayy too tired on Friday and didn’t want to slack on my second workout, and I had to wake up very early on Saturday morning.



Here’s me excited and tired after Friday’s Lower Body Focus. (Note: this picture is scarier than I intended it to be…yikes)


Also, I want to tell you about my shakeology experience. I love shakeology! Meal replacement shakes for breakfast are great for me. I’m a barista and work very early mornings most days of the week. Having a shake I can drink while at work is so easy and means I’m actually eating breakfast, which I usually don’t when I work early. I’ve been experimenting with some flavors too…I have the Vegan Chocolate Shake right now.

I always add a banana to make it creamy, but on top of that I’ve been doing about a tsp cinnamon. Tastes like a Mexican Chocolate drink! Nummy!

I also have been adding a scoop (sorry, I just use one of my spoons so I don’t know the exact measurement for this) of Chocolate Almond Butter with Sunflower Seeds (Wild Friends brand)…ITS SO GOOD!

Stay tuned for Week 2 fit world!


Love, Tay



I think that the hardest part is starting….with fitness, homework, cleaning, and….blog posts! So for the first post I’m just going to do a post about myself.

I’m Taylor

. IMG_1175


I’m an Anthropology student at WWU. I’m almost done! I have two quarters left after this Spring quarter is over. Hallelujah .

I will be joining law enforcement after I graduate (or even before if I get hired) with hopes of becoming a Detective.

I’m obsessed with my dog. Her name is Echo. She’s pretty darn cute.



She’s my loyal companion and fitness buddy. We like to go on hikes, runs, walks, play at the dog park, and she makes sure I get up early in the morning.

I started my fitness journey 2 years ago when I moved back home from Missoula, MT. I didn’t realize it until I was back that I had packed on the pounds for the 2 years that I lived in MT. My journey started with Insanity: The Asylum and continued with Crossfit at a local gym: Jogo.

My journey is continuing right now with Focus T25! Yesterday was my first day of it and I can already tell from my sore muscles this morning that it’s going to push me like I need right now. I’ve lost 15lbs in the two years of my fitness journey. I am only 5’4″, so while this doesn’t seem like a lot of weight, it is for me. My current weight is 120lbs.


Nice to meet y’all!